Regulators used in medical gas systems are equipped with a locking mechanism, that hinders them to be plugged into wrong gas plugs. Moreover they embody a manometer
enambling you to observe the current pressure, as well as a vacuum regulation system by discharge and much more...

Hospital Equipments
We would like to present you our devices used in intensive care stations, maternity rooms, operating rooms, emergency rooms as well as patient rooms.
They are designed to be highly functional, reliable and esthetic on top.

Esthetik VIP Designs
These products are designed to fit into the atmosphere of the hospital harmonically. For some patients it is very hard to feel comfortable in hospitals,
as it is somehow unpleasant. These products support the feeling of beeing at home or in a hotel instead of a hospital.

Medical Gas Plugs
We offer you these products in conformance to the most frequently requested european standards, the German, French and British standards.
They will convince you of their high quality, as they did so far for our current customers.

Intensive Care Units
In the area of intensive care medicine each and every moment can be critical to save the life of a patient. That's why we have designed our
intensive care products to be as functional and reliable as possible. So medical staff don't waste their time with unfunctional devices.

Medical Gas Systems
Medical gas supplying systems can be considered as the heart of an hospital, their reliability ensures the reliable operation of an hospital.
Having this in mind our systems are carefully manufactured, installed and tested to operate with the highest reliability.